Monday, June 10, 2013


The split in self is seen so clear,
And yet recoils in mortal fear
From any touch that seeks to bring,
A healing to the wound within.

Twixt good and bad the players set,
And rise to make their triumph, yet,
A tiny voice keeps up the cry
That truth is found within the I.

So peace and wisdom, love and truth,
Stand on one side, placed well aloof,
And rage and vengeance, basest thought,
Will hold their ground, no matter what.

The I rides Grace and then will leap
The fence to fly upon Deceit
And all the while knows neither can
Hold sure, swift hoof on flimsy ground.

That day will come when each will find
They disappear in new-born mind,
And truth of each is made anew:
The I becomes eternal You.

Write a poem that springs from any of the ideas of twins, opposites, divided selves.


  1. great close on this....that last line is perfect...great rhyme scheme as well which really carries you through the piece...

  2. This piece has a great deal of momentum - the difficulty of healing very strongly expresssed still finds itself in newborn mind - new birth - thanks so much. k.

  3. wonderful piece! the dilidallying continues till finally healed and merge. The rhymes are perfect, not laboured falling with the verses naturally!! superb!

  4. a beautiful rhythm in this and my fav part...The I rides Grace and then will leap
    The fence...and becoming eternal you...very cool close..

  5. Hi,

    I really enjoyed the opening stanza as it set the motion for the poem. It moved so well and I really enjoyed the deep message within the lines.

  6. Wonderful and the rhythm is perfect. Your excellent work sums us up pretty accurately.

    Anna :o]

  7. Yes, it all sort of melds together at the end.
