Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Blazing brightness disappeared

the desert sleeps and dreams

and soothes the searing memories,

born in the belly of the day.

The holy wafer offered,

the blessing is received,

the endless mystic ritual

still triumphs over hell.

The icy sanctity of night

relieves the fevered brow

of earth's bright face,

cools bitter sands;

tucks in the sleep-humped hills.

The desert holds the hem of night

and stretches sunburnt hands

to drink the blessed cup of life

which only darkness brings.



  1. The desert holds the hem of night

    and stretches sunburnt hands

    to drink the blessed cup of life

    which only darkness brings....dang those four lines are a poem themselves...and really sink this one in for me....very nice...

  2. I honestly like everything about this. I've read it a few times now. It's a power-packed piece. Nicely done.

  3. I like the idea that dreams "soothes the searing memories, born in the belly of the day."

    If only they were all that peaceful.
