Friday, June 5, 2015

A rose by my name

Photo: Starting school at age five.


My name means rose,

a flower of succulent
beauty, nestled above
sharp thorns, ready to
protect and preserve.
Roslyn, as the Brahmins
say, the Almighty has
permanent abode, in
the heart of the silver
Rose, and it connects
to the Solar Wheel of
the Horizon, and holds
as Virgin Sophia and
the Rose of Sharon, to
ancient realms and as
a sign, of heavenly grace,
a name my mother saw
on a signpost near home,
as Rosslyn Place, and
deemed it right for her
first daughter, removing
one 's' to lessen confusion
given the surname was
Ross, although, even then
she had gifted her child
a name to confuse others,
when it was shortened,
as names always are in
Australia, to a repetition
of sound and syllable,
as if, somehow the name
might be forgotten, or
for the sake of soul-work
needed to be repeated, and
consistently affirmed. 

Ros means dew, and hill;

that place where the white
horse roams, and Urus, the
bull, carries the Christ child,
as Horus of the Horizon.

Behind it stands Hilda,

the goddess as guardian,
and warrior; she who is
known as battle woman,
saint and protector - a
name gifted from both
grandmothers, although
one long dead, before the
birth, and the other, just
a few years later when
barely known, but still
recognised. A name to
be hated as a child and
honoured and appreciated
as an adult when the true
meaning had been found,
and that sense gained of
maternal guardians always
on watch, to collect the
petals as they slowly fell,
and to nourish each new
breath of bud and life,
blooming as Ross, that
headland of Soul, blood-
red promontory of being,
drawn from the Gaelic,
through Russian and
Greek, and known by the
Norse as Hrossay, horse
island, and also to others

as the rough, scaly matter

on the surface of the bark
of trees: all gifts woven
as spells in the life of a

newly born girl-child.

NB: Written for a prompt asking about our names.


  1. Ah.. yes what's in a name. I love the thought of that (I think I did a prompt on this on real toads for NaPoWriMo.. and as my own name means bear it was easy. ha.. the thought of being roslyn ross .. a wonderful name, but it can be like Major Major in Catch22

    1. Interestingly, Bjorn, I looked into the double-name and it is quite common for the Greeks. My great-grandfather was Greek so perhaps there were unconscious forces at work. I also believe it has been used as part of Judaic tradition. Then again, I have Jewish in my ancestry along with Protestant, Baptist, Greek Orthodox and a few more.

  2. I love this:

    "even then
    she had gifted her child
    a name to confuse others"

    And these:

    "Ros means dew, and hill;
    that place where the white
    horse roams"

    "barely known, but still

    "drawn from the Gaelic" (I love all things of Irish heritage)

    "rough, scaly matter
    on the surface of the bark"

    "all gifts woven
    as spells in the life of a
    newly born girl-child"

    I like you! You just told me a whole lot about yourself. Probably more than you meant to.

    1. C.J. that is one of the nicest things anyone has ever said.

  3. Ah.. a name spells truths of ancestral generations
    before.. as the choosing of the name of a
    child is usually the greatest of meaningful
    decisions in life.. but less hand
    picking than copying from
    celebrities these days..
    as what we do
    is what
    and perhaps
    what becomes
    of our children

  4. Roslyn, this is what means when we say we want to know our poets better... I don't even think I could get this in depth about myself... the thing is, this is what goes into your name and I feel I know about you as a person...Outstanding!

  5. I love learning the genealogy of names to discover the beauty hidden just below the surface. By coincidence, my full first name is Anna Rose of Sharon :D

    1. Names have power because words have power because every letter is energy and every word they make is a different energy. They also have mythical links which express as archetypes.

  6. I love the name that's so mythical and modern...beautifully woven...

  7. A Rose by any other name....very Shakespearean in context too!


  8. I really enjoyed the depth of your poetic explanation of your name! I do think people tend to grow into their names, so it is good for parents to consider this when they name a child. It seems your parents chose very wisely!

  9. Wonderful explanation of your name and all that goes into it and how you use it to make you - you. My friend named her child, Elizabeth Beth. Her name is Beth Elizabeth...odd. but my friend is liz and her child is called Bet. Apparently a thing about three letter knicknames....yours is much more interesting and it is good to know about you! hayes Spencer is Kanzensakura

  10. Honored to make your acquaintance...a deep soul of legendary name!

  11. Nice job, Roslyn. I must wonder how deep the meaning of my own name goes now. I know it's the Irish spelling, Sean...
