Tuesday, August 14, 2012

My favourite things

Waking by the side
of my best friend
and soul mate; drinking
freshly brewed tea with
buttered toast and home-made
marmalade; reading mail
from those I love; listening
to music; reading a book;
baking a cake; pondering,
knitting and embroidery;
the tang of oils on fresh
canvas; the sliding kiss
of the brush; the drift
and stroke of music, classical,
soulful, profound; the call
of birds, in echoed song,
outside my window; the
whisper of sunshine
on bare skin; the slip
of smooth, good wine;
the petalled breath
of blossomed flowers;
the moment of knowing,
that, no matter what,
all is as it should be.

Carry on Tuesday prompt - These are a few of my favourite things.


  1. Every post I read adds even more delights to my already lengthy list of 'favorite things'! We have to stop somewhere, I guess...good read

  2. Really sweet and soothing, and it reads so much like the list of a very creative soul. This has been such an enjoyable prompt, especially with entries like this. Wonderful favorites.
