Monday, June 26, 2023

The sex that dare not speak its name

Roslyn Ross
26 June 2023
Who would have thought there would come a time in human history when educated adults could not answer a simple question: What is a woman?
Between the silences and stammers, languishes the simple answer – a woman is an adult human female.
What is astonishing is that so many cannot, or rather, will not, provide this answer.
It is as if there is a force at work within society to diminish, downgrade, and even extinguish women as a sex. What purpose could that serve? To me, it represents a vicious and evil misogyny. While women continue to protest against discrimination, many support the greatest discrimination of all – a movement that seeks to eradicate the concept of woman as female from our language and our social lexicon. Everything unique about the feminine, the female, and womanhood is being debased in service of this goal.
The claim is that society is seeking the concept of inclusion, where a tiny minority of men who wish to identify as women should be described and treated as though they really are women, even though biology disagrees. But why should the world (and sanity) be turned upside down supporting something that is still considered a tragic mental illness.
True gender dysphoria remains rare (that is, clinically diagnosed dysphoria). Up until very recently, those suffering were not affirmed in their dysphoric beliefs. There are other illness that doctors treat rather than affirm, including conditions such as the Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID), where an individual desires the amputation of one or more healthy limbs or, who desires to be made a paraplegic. Doctors do not humour patients with amputations for the latter, and yet there is a growing (and lucrative) industry offering exactly that for the former.
Children, in particular, have a propensity to believe fantasies about themselves, such as being able to fly like their favourite heroes. We do not encourage children in this delusion, because it could be dangerous, but we are doing it with children who believe they are the opposite sex. The most vocal part of this movement appears to come from males wanting to be female, hence the accompanying campaign against the rights of biological women.
The general public should know better than to choke on the word woman, but today they seem desperate to apply it correctly in social agenda terms. Companies do the same thing, leading to insanities like men with evident equipment modelling women’s bathing suits or insisting we normalise the bulge; men using female toilets, even in the presence of young girls; and men participating as women on the sporting field and being acclaimed for winning with their clear biological and physiological advantage!
Sure there is a backlash to such things, but there is no sign of it slowing down in Australia. One Australian academic and medical institution has attempted to eradicate women from language completely as part of their glossary of LGBQT+ terms. While a gay man attracted to other men remains a man, a gay woman is described as a non-man attracted to non-men. If they cannot define a woman, why can they define a man?
If reducing women to non-men is not a putdown, I don’t know what is. Yes, this glossary has caused a firestorm of criticism and rightly so, but how did it ever come to be in the first place? Who thought it was a good idea to call women non-men as if the only biological reality is male? Surely it carries shades of centuries past when women were perceived to be mentally inferior to men and deemed as such by God.
The anti-female sentiment has continued apace. In 2019, The Guardian ran an article suggesting that periods offered little if any benefit to health and that it was a good idea to use synthetic contraception to stop them altogether. It was merely one of many such pieces of commentary on the topic of female fertility.
Women have had a hard time in patriarchal societies coming to terms with their gift of menstruation, and it is a gift, for without it there is no future for the human race. Just as we started reaching a point where advertisements for sanitary napkins were brave enough to use red ink and not blue, we now have moves to encourage women to reject their menstrual cycle to the point of cancelling it altogether.
Instead of encouraging girls and women to embrace their bodies, there are, it seems, moves to encourage them to deny their femininity by artificially intervening. How can there be ‘no health benefit’, children aside, to such a biological reality for females?
Surely telling women it is fine to prevent menstruation is like telling someone it is fine to never urinate or defecate again? The clinical lead for Women’s Health at the Royal College of GPs says there is no health benefit to them: ‘99 percent of women don’t need to bleed.’
A professor of sexual and reproductive health at University College London says the same. ‘In some ways, it seems like one of God’s great design faults… It is not helpful to have these periods.’
Wow, you know the hubris level has ratcheted up a few notches when medicos say God got it wrong. Millions of years of human evolution and clear biological realities and necessities have been wrong, according to so-called experts.
There has long been evidence that a hysterectomy in women under 50 increases the risk of heart disease and stroke, so why would there not be negative effects from artificially preventing menstruation? But hey, no periods and you save money…
However, it would seem not even God is on the side of women anymore with the Church of England refusing to define the word ‘woman’.
The Church of England declined to offer a definition of a woman, arguing that recent developments required ‘additional care’ when attempting to define the word.
‘There is no official definition, which reflects the fact that until fairly recently definitions of this kind were thought to be self-evident, as reflected in the marriage liturgy,’ Senior Bishop Rt Rev Robert Innes said, when asked to define the word, according to reporting from GB News.
The remarks came in response to a question posed by lay member during the General Synod, who asked: ‘What is the Church of England’s definition of a woman?’
The Bishop argued that the definition of a woman used to be ‘self-evident’ but no longer had a simple answer. Well, it does have a simple answer, a woman is an adult human female as established in Matt Walsh’s documentary released in June 2022, titled, What is a Woman?
As Matt Walsh, author and filmmaker said: ‘People are too afraid to just say what they actually think about this. It is our empathy being used against us but it is being used against us in such a way that this lie, this insanity has taken over our culture.’ Walsh says the issue has split across political divides, and no doubt in an age when only the clicks count, it is not surprising that few are brave enough to challenge the concept that a man can be a woman, or that a woman can be called a non-man, or that boys who want to be girls can be surgically and chemically altered in pursuit of that end.
Why and how have religions, governments, and medical institutions bought into this insanity?
And why are so many feminists not taking a stand against a movement, an agenda, that not only disenfranchises women, but seeks to eradicate them as an entity… As Walsh says, in recent years they have invented this sex/gender distinction and even more recently they have collapsed the distinction completely.
We now have a situation where a man, complete with penis, can say he is a woman and be encouraged in that belief. We have chestfeeding not breastfeeding and a litany of terms that insult pregnant, birthing, and breastfeeding women. Why does any woman allow such abuse of her nature, her being, and her womanhood?
Is it a case of the clicks where people are motivated in this age of ever-present technology to ‘behave’ in accordance with social agendas, regardless of what they may personally believe? Or is there something more devious at work? Whatever the answer, one thing is certain, women need to stand up and take back their unique identity as biological females, able to do things no man can ever do, and a precious sex which creates and gives birth to life.
Some radical and fringe elements of gender theory have decided to parody all that is female and feminine, while mocking the glory of womanhood. Never have some men been more dangerous.
NB: And the madness continues with womb transplants into men, the womb likely to be coming from some young girl or woman who believes she is a man and wants to rid herself of the equipment nature gave her as a woman.

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