Monday, November 7, 2011

The words

The words were whispered loud and soft;
'pull yourself together now'
as if no more than shredded cloth,
which could be gathered, surely swept
into fresh-stitched and unknown shape.

Love settled on the face of time,
a shawled embrace, slow-knitted dreams,
to drape it's lace-held web of hope
upon my life eternally.

But dragging at its cornered edge,
the mouth of dribbled years took hold,
as one lost thread surrendered slow
unravelled all I've ever been.

The words were whispered soft and loud;
'pull yourself together now'
as if no more than frayed, lost soul,
which could be gathered, surely swept
and woven into unknown self.


  1. You knit this poem together most perfectly. I only wish the the threads were lighter for you somehow. xo teri

  2. This is sourced in older times... the threads are much lighter but I do remember when they were not.
