Wednesday, July 26, 2017


Rain roils like fire in flaming torrents,
sucking in the air, devouring vision,
thundering crackle, consuming distance,
sodden smoking of nature's breath;

so do the heavens serenade the sighing
soil, drenching barren fear, sluicing
away the doubts of dying season, in
unexpected baring of glistening teeth,

lined at Winter's long-dried mouth, 
where voice of hope had been silenced,
flattened by dry, hard days and thirsty
nights, not even a sigh of dusty words,

as time surrendered to the certainty
of hopelessness, of looming death,
of crackled steps, wasted growth; until
that sudden moment when Life laughed

at Death, in glorious watered smile.


  1. Such a dramatic description that ripples with flexing verbs, Roslyn. I particular love:
    'sucking in the air, devouring vision,
    thundering crackle, consuming distance',
    '...drenching barren fear, sluicing
    away the doubts of dying season';
    'that sudden moment when Life laughed

    at Death, in glorious watered smile'.

  2. "so do the heavens serenade the sighing / soil,"...This is such a beauty! Love this.

  3. Wow...i can't choose any particular line as favorite...each line is beautifully written!

  4. I love your rain poem, and 'the heavens serenading the sighing sighing soil', is one of my favourite lines. I can just picture that actually, well done!

  5. That fire/rain metaphor/conflation works really well.

  6. Thanks to everyone who popped in to read and left a comment. Much appreciated.

  7. Those angry verbs were so powerful, I wasn't sure there'd be a happy ending. Very moving!

  8. I like that watery smile from life laughing at death with the dry season being over.

  9. Drought as a muse; cool. You aced the prompt, flexing verbs with apparent ease--a terrific poem emerged. I liked the line /not even a sigh of dusty words/ As others have pointed out, there are many other lines that could be/have been singled out.

  10. The first line totally drew me in - amazing poem using drought and rain as metaphors/muses.

  11. dying season, in
    unexpected baring of glistening teeth,
    lined at Winter's long-dried mouth,

