Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Moving house

Packing up the pieces
of a life now gone, soon
to be repeated, in another
home, and yet in the

moving, some things
will not last; different
time and spaces, their
own taste will cast.

In the ever-changing,
flow, of life and place,
there will be a change in
who and what you are.

Sift through those
belongings, treasure and
release, know they hold
no value, in any sense

that's real. People are
what matters, they're
the only plus - all the
rest will be reduced...

simply things and stuff.


  1. They say that moving is one of the most stressful things you can do but I think that it can also be exciting - a new you - which you've expressed beautifully. I particularly like the lines:
    'Sift through those
    belongings, treasure and
    release, know they hold
    no value...'
    '...all the
    rest will be reduced...

    simply things and stuff'.

  2. Lovely, almost elegiac quality to this poem. I too enjoyed the ending.

  3. Yeah, we've lived this at our (current) home... too many times. Your poem rings beautiful and true.

  4. I liked the message that only people matter and the rest is reduced to stuff.

  5. It's been so long since last we moved so I really have forgotten it... but I can sense the stress levels rising just by the thought of it.

  6. ..."people are what matter, the rest only stuff" ... truer words were never spoken. Someone one said there are no pockets in caskets.

  7. Whenever there's a tragic fire or tornado, we're reminded again that it's the people and relationships that matter, not the "stuff." Well said.

  8. hold and much to be said and realized in those few words. It's always the people who matter.....the simplicity of the human being rather than the possessions themselves. Well done!
