Saturday, December 17, 2016




Life leads us on with thoughts

and dreams abundant,

Then drags us back to what

this world would be.

Confined in the material and all

we know as physical;

So do we strive for that

which sets us free.

But freedom is yet also

an illusion, a fantasy of something

we perceive, yet all the time it hovers,

as a future, when Now is all that

we can ever be.


Thursday, December 8, 2016



I chiselled at your image,
revealed the puzzle clear,
made luminous your heart,
left nothing else to fear.

Dumb were left the angels,
superior and wise,
lucid was my loving;
hollow were your smiles.

Foreign were the moments,
feckless were your aims;
drank the wine of sorrow,
saw the darkening stain.

There would be no winner,
once the die was cast,
drunk on sour misery;
mourn our time now past.