Sunday, March 27, 2022

This world

 We live on a sphere which we call Planet Earth, which is always turning in a circle and at the same time circling around the Sun.

Our world appears flat and still, with no sense of the sphere or the circling.
This planet is finely tuned for life: so finely tuned that the slightest tiny change would have made life impossible.
And yet there are those, particularly in the realms of science, who would have us believe that this miraculous reality is the result of pure, random chance.
How can such perfection and such beauty be without meaning and purpose? Common sense, reason and logic would say the evidence for design is so overwhelming, that it could not be without purpose or meaning.
We may not know why we are here or why this world exists so perfectly for us, but we can be certain that we and the world exist for a purpose. Honouring that purpose and finding meaning in all that exists is a noble cause.
There is nothing so small, so seemingly insignificant which is not a part of this marvellous, miraculous, perfect plan.

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