Friday, March 9, 2018

The Ocean Spoke

The ocean spoke in waves of song,
turning in upon itself, caressing
all it touched, as if it sang itself
to sleep; in lullabies of semen surf,

requiring nothing of the sands which
soared and drifted in its wake, settling
into place, renewed, removed, as
something new, beyond the pure

beginnings of creation where all was
possibility; revealed now as womb
and source of all becoming, roiling
in a brew of life unknown and barely

recognised, from which would come
the bones of ancient arks of being,
and where the scud of foaming crust
would settle and lay quiet, allowing

in the silence, through aeons of
darkness and of light, the creep of
creatures, steadying salt-crusted
lips, waiting to breathe the air.


  1. I love the primal, generative energy in this and even the 'wuwei' power of the ocean requiring nothing of its sands.

  2. Roslyn, Amaya is right - this is delightfully and effectively primal - really enjoyed this rendition of primordial nature as it is...

  3. I like these lines: "where all was
    possibility; revealed now as womb
    and source of all becoming"

  4. I love this! Especially; "where all was
    possibility; revealed now as womb and source of all becoming." Beautifully executed.

  5. I agree with Scott and Amaya... I almost feel the ocean to be an organism...

  6. I love the energy and force of those beginnings of life~ A song of songs about creation !

  7. There is such beauty in this, going back to the generative moments of human development. The ocean as a primal womb--yes!

  8. This is such a beautiful primal write Roslyn, of our emergence, from whence we came.
    I love reading it (and have done several times) - it is soothing to the mind.
    Anna :o]

  9. The ocean speaks to me almost every day. It speaks a beauty and truth that fosters life.
